Monday, July 17, 2023
- Thursday, July 20, 2023
Register by May 15th
Lake Tiak O'Khata
1290 Smyth Lake Rd
Louisville, MS 39339
Contact Information
Name: Anders Lee
Phone: 901-343-3293
Additional Event Information:
Theme: A New Beginning! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Speaker: Jacob Guenrich, pastor at First Baptist Walnut Ridge, AR
Worship Leader: Max Sullivan
Cost: $75.00 per camper
Registration: The deadline to Register is May 15, 2023; you must have submitted a final number of participating campers by this date. You can either register securely online or by a downloading a mailable registration form from the Youth Department's website:
- When registering online, please make plans to make the full payment for all of your campers (this includes all adults and students attending) at the time of registration. You will be required to enter each of your camper's information and make the full payment for each camper at the time of registration. (Camper info required during registration: camper's full name, age, grade coming out of, t-shirt size, & gender.)
- When registering via downloadable form, provide a soft number of campers with a breakdown of boys & girls at the time of your initial registration. A $25 deposit per camper is due when you mail in your registration. On May 15, 2023 you will need to give the final number with exact gender & grade breakdown of your students as well as pay the remaining balance due.
Medical release forms are required for all our campers. Please fill one out and a leader must keep them available in the event of an emergency.
T-shirts are available for camp at the following prices: (If you are buying these, you will need to send your order information to Anders Lee by May 15, 2023)
- Adult S, M, L, XL – $10
- Adult 2XL – $13
- Adult 3XL & 4XL – $15.
All payments must be made by check to the “BMA of MS Youth Department” and mailed to:
Mrs. Brandy Riley
454 Lebanon Road
Laurel, MS 39433
- Please make clear on your checks what you are paying for!